Hazards of the Dark Arts: Advice for Medieval

Hazards of the Dark Arts: Advice for Medieval Princes on Witchcraft and Magic by Richard Kieckhefer

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  • Hazards of the Dark Arts: Advice for Medieval Princes on Witchcraft and Magic
  • Richard Kieckhefer
  • Page: 168
  • Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
  • ISBN: 9780271078403
  • Publisher: Penn State University Press

Hazards of the Dark Arts: Advice for Medieval Princes on Witchcraft and Magic

Epub books to download Hazards of the Dark Arts: Advice for Medieval Princes on Witchcraft and Magic

This volume comprises English translations of two fundamentally important texts on magic and witchcraft in the fifteenth century: Johannes Hartlieb’s Book of All Forbidden Arts and Ulrich Molitoris’s On Witches and Pythonesses. Written by laymen and aimed at secular authorities, these works advocated that town leaders and royalty alike should vigorously uproot and prosecute practitioners of witchcraft and magic. Though inquisitors and theologians promulgated the witch trials of late medieval times, lay rulers saw the prosecutions through. But local officials, princes, and kings could be unreliable; some were skeptical about the reality and danger of witchcraft, while others dabbled in the occult themselves. Borrowing from theological and secular sources, Hartlieb and Molitoris agitated against this order in favor of zealously persecuting occultists. Organized as a survey of the seven occult arts, Hartlieb’s text is a systematic treatise on the dangers of superstition and magic. Molitoris’s text presents a dialogue on the activities of witches, including vengeful sorcery, the transformation of humans into animals, and fornication with the devil. Taken together, these tracts show that laymen exerted significant influence on ridding society of their imagined threat. Precisely translated by Richard Kieckhefer, Hazards of the Dark Arts includes an insightful introduction that discusses the authors, their sources and historical environments, the writings themselves, and the influence they had in the development of ideas about witchcraft.

Hazards of the Dark Arts - Ingram Publisher Services UK
Advice for Medieval Princes on Witchcraft and Magic · Publication date: · Length of book: · Publisher · ISBN-13: 9780271078403.
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Hazards of the Dark Arts: Advice for Medieval Princes on - IBS
Hazards of the Dark Arts: Advice for Medieval Princes on Witchcraft and Magic è un libroPennsylvania State University Press nella collana Magic in History 
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Cover for the book Medieval Art in Motion LEARN MORE Cover for the book Hazards of the Dark Arts Advice for Medieval Princes on Witchcraft and Magic 
Hazards of the Dark Arts (Advice for Medieval Princes on
Debi-susanna42 – Blogspot.com · Hazards of the Dark Arts (Advice for Medieval Princes on Witchcraft and Magic) By Richard Kieckhefer.
advice for medieval princes on witchcraft and magic - WorldCat
Hazards of the dark arts : advice for medieval princes on witchcraft and magic ; Print book : English · "English translations of two important fifteenth-century 
Hazards of the Dark Arts : Advice for Medieval - AbeBooks
Hazards of the Dark Arts : Advice for Medieval Princes on Witchcraft and Magic ; Published by Penn State University Press, 2017 ; Used Condition: As New Soft 
Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft - Project MUSE
Hazards of the Dark Arts: Advice for Medieval Princes on Witchcraft and Magic trans. ed. by Richard Kieckhefer. Richard Raiswell. KEY WORDS.
Magic in History Sourcebooks Ser.: Hazards of the Dark Arts
Johannes Hartlieb's Book of all forbidden arts (1456) and
Hazards of the dark arts : advice for medieval princes on witchcraft and magic : Johannes Hartlieb's Book of all forbidden arts (1456) and Ulrich Molitoris's On 
Hazards of the dark arts : advice for medieval princes on witchcraft
Get this from a library! Hazards of the dark arts : advice for medieval princes on witchcraft and magic : Johannes Hartlieb's Book of all forbidden arts 

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